Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering
Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering
As part of the Southwest Jiaotong University, which promotes Chinese traffic and especially railway systems for more than 120 years, we strive for a deeper understanding of the interaction between man-made infrastructure and the natural environment. We aim at engineering solutions and sustainable resource management. As scientists, we reach deeper insights into the processes underlying and controlling changes in the earth's surface in one of the most tectonically and geologically challenging regions of the world. As engineers, we observe, measure and model the most subtle changes of terrain and infrastructure with the most modern sensors at the highest precision. We are actively involved in the most challenging and far-reaching high-speed railway development project in the world.
As an interdisciplinary network of Geodesy, Engineering Geology, Geoinformatics, Remote Sensing, Cartography, Environmental Engineering, and Fire Protection Engineering we combine scientific methods and engineering competencies to develop global traffic infrastructure and bring the different regions of the world closer together. We discover chances and opportunities. We visualize, explain and predict risks, help to avoid disaster and prepare for the worst case.
Our students will shape the future of research and technology. Trained in a faculty with international flair, they will be well prepared to compete with talents around the world. They will have learned to work solution- and success-oriented and to master scientific methods and technologies at the highest international level. They will be fit to design, prepare and implement responsible engineering solutions and decisions.
Our faculty members and staff are committed to teaching and provide excellent academic services for our students. As instructors, we teach our students knowledge and scientific methods. As coaches, we will convey problem-solving skills and competencies in demanding and exciting projects. Studying at our faculty should serve as a starting point for a successful career. Success of our students is how we measure our success as academic teachers. Our students learn to work hard and efficiently, but we also want them to enjoy life at our university and remember it for a lifetime.

Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering
Copyright © 2019
Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering ,
Southwest Jiaotong University