Invited by Fire protection department (SWJTU), on May 28, 2015, Professor Qingsheng Wang, doctoral supervisor and the head of Fire Protection & Safety Technology (OSU), gave a speech to the teachers and students and communicated with them at X4520.
Professor Wang, Xiewen Hu (vice dean), Junmin Chen (dean assistant) and Yuchun Zhang (head of department) discussed the development situations of this major in both universities, its likeness and differences and future research cooperations. Besides, they discussed undergraduate 2+2 program, semester exchange program and graduate training plan.
Then, Professor Wang did a report ofCurrent Research Progress in Fire Protection Engineering. He introduced that OSU is the first one in North America to establish this major, and OSU is also known as “the West Point in the field of Fire Protection”
Previously, some cooperation activities have been done, such as undergraduate 2+2 program and semester exchange program. Several students got the chance to study one semester in OSU for free,and one of those students even got a double degree there and stayed to get master degree. This September, another two students of Fire Protection Engineering will also study in OSU for free.
Qingsheng Wang is an associate professor of Fire Protection & Safety Engineering Technology and Graduate Faculty of Chemical Engineering at OSU. He is a registered professional engineer and certified safety professional. Dr. Wang is the author of 40 referred journal papers, 22 proceedings, and 72 technical presentations. He is the ASSE JSHER Editor and on the Editorial Board for 4 journals and the invited reviewer for over 25 journals. Dr. Wang has been the session chair/co-chair of Global Congress on Process Safety since 2011. He has received funding from the NSF, NRC, NIOSH, Big 12 Faculty Fellowship, OSU and ASSE Foundation.