Dr. Wang Yufeng et al. published an academic paper on the international renowned Natural Index journal JGR-Solid Earth to explain the rock avalanche volume effect
2019-12-11 11:36
Rock avalanche is a geo-disaster of extremely destructive. The most significant characteristics of rock avalanche involve enormous volumes (from millions to trillions cubic meter), extremely high-spee...
Department of Geological Engineering in faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering Institute holds professional accreditation meeting
2019-12-11 11:36
In order to better accomplish the work in professional accreditation, in the morning of April 26th, the department of Geological Engineering arranged a geological engineering certification work prepar...
Linguo Yuan was selected as the vice-chairman of GNSS and LBS Association of China “Education and Development Technical Committee”
2019-12-11 11:36
The fifth council of GNSS and LBS Association of China “Education and Development Technical Committee (EDPB)” held the first meeting at Wuhan University. The meeting took the election at expiration ...
Achievements summary & expert consultation of National High-tech R&D Program (863 Program) project is held in our faculty
2019-12-11 11:36
TheAchievements summary & expert consultation of National High-tech R&D Program (863 Program) project is held in 4520 conference room at Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering on June 4t...