YANG Qingqing
propagation Mechanism and Deposition Morphology of Rock Avalanches and Rock-ice avalanches

YANG Qingqing

Lecturer for Engineering Geology

Research Interests:

Propagation Mechanism and Deposition Morphology of Rock Avalanches and Rock-ice avalanches


SWJTU XIPU Campus Building 4 Room 4445

Email: yangqingqing@swjtu.edu.cn

Personal Homepage:



Ph.D. Geotechnical Engineering, Gunma University,Japan 2012

MA. Geotechnical Engineering, Gunma University,Japan 2009

B.E. Geotechnical Engineering, Central South University,China 2006


Lecturer for Engineering Geology at Southwest Jiaotong

University, China, since2012

Research Interests:

My research has focused on propagation mechanisms of rock avalanches and characteristics of their deposition. With physical modeling and numerical simulation, my group has recently reproduced several dynamic processes with a wide spectrum of flow mechanical information, to quantify the influence of the ice content and water content on the mobility of rock-ice avalanches. Resorting to digital sampling technique, the lab experimental setup will be reformed in next step and more sophisticated experiments are under way.