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HUANG Yulong

HUANG Yulong

Director of the Center for Mapping Science and Technology Experiments

Engineer for the Southwest Jiaotong University


SWJTU XIPU Campus Building 4 Room 4106



Photogrammetry and remote sensing,Southwest Jiaotong University, 1998

Geodesy and Geodetic engineering , Southwest Jiaotong University, 2008


Engineer for the 13th Bureau of the China railway construction engineering, China 1998-2001

Engineer forthe surveying and mapping engineering test center of Southwest Jiaotong University,2001-2005

Engineer of the Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering at the Southwest Jiaotong University since 2008

Research Interests

My research has focused on the engaged in engineering measurement, the construction measurement technology of large bridges, construction monitoring technology and safety operation monitoring research and analysis