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TANG Jiafa

TANG Jiafa

Associate Professor Geosciences and Environmental Engineering


SWJTU XIPU Campus Building 4 Room 4439



Diploma Geography Science, Anhui Normal University

Ph.D. Railway Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University ,2003


Associate Professor of the Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering at the Southwest Jiaotong University since 1998

Research Interests

Mountain hazards and environment

Human geography

Selected Publications

Tang Jiafa,Xu Minmin,Zhang Yaxi. (2016) Some problems and its adjustment measures of reconstructed settlements after earthquake in Beichuan, Mountain Research, 2016,34(2), 242-248

Liu Xiaoqing,Tang Jiafa,Zhang Limin. (2020) Quantitative analysis with geographical detectors on the influence factors of geological disaster in Beichuan, 2020, 43(3), 41-48

Tang Jiafa, The simulation of the variation of the soil moisture in the Jiangjia Ravine , Yunnan, Mountain Research, 2009, 27(2), 217-222,
