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WANG Yufeng

WANG Yufeng

Assistant Professor of the Department of Engineering Geology of the Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering (FGEE)

Assistant Professor for Geological science

Research Interests: Geological Disasters, especially in Landslides.


SWJTU XIPU Campus Building 4 Room 4147

Phone 13980482147

email: wangyufeng1987118@126.com

Personal Homepage: https://faculty.swjtu.edu.cn/wangyufeng/zh_CN/index/142425/list/index.htm


Bachelor's Diploma of Engineering Geology, SWJTU, China 2009

Ph.D. Diploma of Engineering Geology, SWJTU, China 2014


Post-Doctor for Geological Disaster in Graduate Institute of Applied Geology, National Central University, Taiwan, China 2015-2017.

Post-Doctor for Geological Disaster in surveying science and technoloy, SWJTU, China 2015-2018.

Assistant Professor of the Department of Engineering Geology, SWJTU, China since 2018.

Research Interests:

My research has focused on the study of landslides, especially in rock avalanches (one kind of landslide disasters). I am interested in explore the emplacement and dynamics of such geological disasters. In the past 10 years, I have investigated many typical cases distributed in Sichuan, Xizang, and Xinjiang of China, and gained some innovative achievements.

My current interests are

(1) the study of the sedimentary structures of rock avalanches, aiming to reveal their possible kinematics, and

(2) dynamic shearing testing to learn the possible hypermobility of rock avalanches with the rotary high-velocity shearing apparatus designed by Prof. Shimamoto.

The first theme will improve our understanding on the emplacement processes of the whole body of rock avalanche. The second topic will help us to learn the dynamic processes of the basal facies of rock avalanche. Both of them will contribute to the reduction of future hazards related to rock avalanches.

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