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LEI Zhihong

LEI Zhihong

C of geo-engineering

Research Interest:

My research focuses onrock thermodynamics. Methods employed includeexperiment and numerical simulationstudy.All research findingscanprovide valuable basic references for solving problems of rock thermodynamics in deep resources mining, exploitation of geothermal resources and tunnel engineeringunder high geothermal conditions.


SWJTU XIPU Campus Building 4 Room 4223B



Bachelor of Civil Engineering, Jilin University, China, 2011~2015;

Doctor of Geological Engineering, Jilin University, China, 2015~2020.


Assistant professorin Department of Geological Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Since 2020.


Reviewers forENERG SOURCE PART A; Member of China Renewable Energy Association.

Representative publications (*= corresponding author):

[1]Z.H. Lei; Y.J. Zhang*; Z.W. Yu; Z.J. Hu; L.Z. Li; S.Q. Zhang; L. Fu; L. Zhou; Y.Y. Xie. Exploratory research into the enhanced geothermal system power generation project: the Qiabuqia geothermal field, Northwest China. Renewable Energy, 139 (2019), pp. 52-70. IF: 5.439, JCR: Q1

[2]Z.H. Lei; Y.J. Zhang*; S.Q. Zhang; L.Fu; Z.J. Hu; Z.W. Yu; L.Z. Li; J. Zhou. Electricity generation from a three-horizontal-well enhanced geothermal system in the Qiabuqia geothermal field, China: Slickwater fracturing treatments for different reservoir scenarios. Renewable Energy, 145 (2020), pp. 65-83. IF: 5.439, JCR: Q1

[3]Z.H. Lei; Y.J. Zhang*; Z.J. Hu; L.Z. Li; S.Q. Zhang; L. Fu; G.F. Yue. Application of Water Fracturing in Geothermal Energy Mining: Insights from Experimental Investigations. Energies, 12 (2019). IF: 2.707, JCR: Q3

[4]Z.H Lei. Study on the characteristics of hot dry rock reservoir and fracturing test model in the Gonghe Basin, Qinghai Province. Doctoral Dissertation of Jilin University, 2020.

[5] Y.J. Zhang; Y.Q. Ma*; Z.J. Hu; H.L. Lei; L. Bai;Z.H Lei; Q. Zhang. An experimental investigation into the characteristics of hydraulic fracturing and fracture permeability after hydraulic fracturing in granite. Renewable Energy, 140(2019). IF: 5.439, JCR: Q1

[6]L. Zhou; Y.J. Zhang*; Z.J. Hu; Z.W. Yu; Y.F. Luo; Y.D. Lei; H.L. Lei;Z.H. Lei; Y.Q. Ma. Analysis of influencing factors of the production performance of an enhanced geothermal system (EGS) with numerical simulation and artificial neural network (ANN). Energy and Buildings, 200(2019). IF: 4.495, JCR: Q1

[7]Y.J Zhang*, L. Zhou, Z.J. Hu, Z.W. Yu, S.R. Hao,Z.H. Leiand Y.Y. Xie. Prediction of Layered Thermal Conductivity Using Artificial Neural Network in Order to Have Better Design of Ground Source Heat Pump System [J]. Energies, 12 (2019). IF: 2.707, JCR: Q3