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SHEN Yaping

SHEN Yaping

Assistant Professor of geo-engineering

Research Interest:

Soil wind erosion,Soil and water conservation and Desertification control,Railway sandstorm disaster prevention and control,Surface process change.


SWJTU XIPU Campus Building 4 Room 4223B

E-mail: Shenyp@swjtu.edu.cn, 603462941@qq.com


Ph.D. Beijing Normal University, China, 2020

Visiting scholar, Flinders University, Australia, 2018-2019

B.Sc., Sichuan Normal University, China, 2013


Assistant Professor in Department of Geological Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Since 2020.

Representative publications (*= corresponding author):

•Zhang Chunlai,Shen Yaping*,Li Qing, et al., 2018. Sediment grain–size characteristics and relevant correlations to the aeolian environment in China's eastern desert region [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 627: 586-599.

Shen Yaping,Zhang Chunlai*, Wang Xuesong, et al., 2018. Statistical Characteristics of Wind Erosion Events in the Erosion Area of Northern China [J]. Catena, 167: 399-410.

Shen Yaping,Zhang Chunlai*, Huang Xiaoqi, et al., 2019. The effect of wind speed averaging time on sand transport estimates [J]. Catena, Volume 175: 286-293.

Shen Yaping, Zhang Chunlai*, Wang Rende et al., 2020. Spatial heterogeneity of surface sediment grain size and aeolian activity in the gobi desert region of Northwest China [J]. Catena,188.

沈亚萍,张春来*,李庆,等. 2017.东部沙区表土有机质和速效养分与风沙环境关系初探.干旱区地理, 40, 77-84.

沈亚萍,张春来*,李庆,贾文茹,等. 2016.中国东部沙区表层沉积物粒度特征.中国沙漠, 36 (1), 150-157.