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Associated Professor for Engineering Geology

Research interests:

Slope stability analysis; Limit analysis approach; Numerical simulation


SWJTU XIPU campus Building 4 Room 4445.



PhD in Geotechnical Engineering, Kyushu University, Japan 10/2012-09/2015

MSc. in Civil Engineering, Hohai University, China 09/2009 to 07/2012

BSc. in Environmental Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China 09/2005 to 07/2009


Associated Professor, Southwest Jiaotong University 03/2016 to present

Teaching courses:

·Rock mechanics,

·Ground improvement and Retaining Structure Analysis

Research interests:

My research project is concerned with the analysis of soil-pile interaction and the assessment of the permanent displacement of the slides induced by seismic loading. I am involved in limit analysis method to estimate the accumulate displacement of the slopes with or without the reinforcement. The stability of three-dimensional (3D) slope is analysed by rotational failure mechanics.

At present, our group focus on the application of numerical simulation method, such as finite element method (FEM), material point method (MPM), smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH), on the geological problems (landslides, debris flow, rock fall etc.).