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CHEN​ Shikuo

CHEN Shikuo

Lecturer for rock mechanics

Research Interests:

Rock mechanics, CBM(Coalbed methane) extraction,Unsaturated Seepage in Fractured Rock Mass Rock, Instability and Controlling in Mining and geological disaster,Crack Damage Evolution and the Expansion of Numerical Implementation with Comsol


Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering,

Southwest Jiaotong University

Western High-tec Zone Chengdu, 611756, P. R. China

Phone: +86 28 66367452 (O), +86 15208263956

Email: shikuochen@swjtu.edu.cn

CV: http://userweb.swjtu.edu.cn/Userweb/shikuochen/english.htm


BEng Degree (2002/09 – 2006/07)

In Mining Engineering, School of Resources & Civil Engineering, Northeastern University (NEU), Shenyang, Liaoning, People's Republic of China

MEng Degree (2006/09 – 2008/07)

In Mining Engineering, School of Resources & Civil Engineering, Northeastern University (NEU), Shenyang, Liaoning, People's Republic of China

PhD Degree (2008/09 –2012/07)

In Engineering Mechanics, School of Resources & Civil Engineering, Northeastern University (NEU), Shenyang, Liaoning, People's Republic of China


China Scholarship Council sponsored visiting scholar (2016/02-2017/02)

In Deep Earth Energy Research Lab, Clayton Campus, Monash University, VIC 3800 Australia.

Lecturer (2012/07-present)

In Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU), Chengdu, Sichuan, People's Republic of China

Research Interests:

·Rock Fractal Characterization

·CBM(Coalbed methane) extraction

·Unsaturated Seepage in Fractured Rock Mass

·Rock Instability and Controlling in Mining and geological disaster

·Development and Application of Virtual Reality System on Geological Engineering

·Crack Damage Evolution and the Expansion of Numerical Implementation with Comsol

Research Projects

·Mechanism of unsaturated seepage flow gas-water interface for coal and rock by hydraulic fracturing, National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No. 51304161), 2014-2016, Chief Investigator

·Fractured rock mass characterization and stress-seepage analysis Under the dynamic disturbance, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(Grant No. 2682013BR004), 2012-2015, Chief Investigator


Currently, Dr. Chen is mainly undertaking the responsibility of the teaching work about Civil Engineering Geological, Rock Mass and Geological Engineering Numerical Calculation Method in SWJTU of China.


[1]Chen Shikuo, Yang Tianhong, Ranjith PG, Wei Chenhui. Mechanism of the Two-Phase Flow Model for Water and Gas Based on Adsorption and Desorption in Fractured Coal and Rock [J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 2017, 50(3): 571-586. (SCI IF=2.386)

[2]Chen Shikuo, Chenhui Wei, Tianhong Yang, Wancheng Zhu, Honglei Liu and Pathegama Gamage Ranjith. Three-Dimensional Numerical Investigation of Coupled Flow-Stress-Damage Failure Process in Heterogeneous Poroelastic Rocks [J]. Energies, 2018.7, 11(8):190-1939. (SCI IF=2.676).

[3]CHEN Shiku,FENG Yuan,CHEN Bajin. Geological Hazard Cause Analysis and Control Measures of a Spoil GrOund in Sichuan ProVincial Highway [J]. Subgrade Engineering, 2017, (06): 194-200, 218.

[4]Chen Shikuo, Yang Tianhong, Qin Tao, Liu Honglei. The Representation Method of Fractured Rock Mass Based on Stress-Seepage Coupling Characteristics [J], Journal of Northeastern University( Natural Science) , 2015,36(S1): 228-231.(in Chinese)

[5]Chen Shikuo, Yang Tianhong, HongLei Liu,Zhu Wancheng. Water Inrush Monitoring of Zhangmatun Mine Grout Curtain and Seepage-Stress-Damage Research. Physical and Numerical Simulation of Material Processing VI. Materials Science Forum Vols. 704-705,2012,558-562.

[6]Chen Shikuo, Yang Tianhong, Wang hang, HongLei Liu. Dynamic optimization of Pumping and Consolidation Deformation Prediction of Vertical Shafts of Metro Works in the High Water-Rich Sand Layer [J], Journal of Northeastern University( Natural Science), 2011,32(9): 1328-1331.(in Chinese)

[7]Chen Shikuo, Yang Tianhong, Zhang Huaxing. The slope stability under underground mining of Anjialing open-pit mine in Pingshuo [J], Journal of China Coal Society, 2008, 33(2):771~777.(in Chinese)

[8]Chen Shikuo, Yang Tianhong, Wei Chenhui. Displacement Mechanism of the Two-Phase Flow Model for Water and Gas Based on Adsorption and Desorption in Coal Seams. 2010 International Symposium on Multi-field Coupling Theory of Rock and Soil Media and Its Applications.10-11 October, 2010, Chengdu, China.597-603.(International conference)

[9]Shikuo Chen, Tianhong Yang, Honglei Liu. A Coupled Model of The Gas Occurrence in Geothermal Field of the Deep Coal Seams. Proceedings of the Third Conference on New Development in Rock Mechanics and Engineering, Sanya, China. May,2009,259-262.(International conference)

[10]Yang Tianhong,Chen Shikuo.Coupled Model of Gas Flow –Solid Distortion in Coal Seams and Mechanisms on Pressure Relief and Gas Drainage. Conference Paper from 2009 International Forum on Porous Flow and Applications. 24-26 April, 2009, Wuhan, China.292-298.(International conference)

[11]Yang Tianhong,Chen Shikuo, Zhu Wancheng, Meng Zhaoping, Gao Yanfa. Water Inrush Mechanism in Mines and Nonlinear Flow Model for Fractured Rocks [J], Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 2008, 27(7):1411~1416.(in Chinese)

[12]Yang Tianhong,ChenShikuo,Zhu Wancheng, He Zhonggang, Jiang Wenzhong.Numerical model of nonlinear flow-diffusion for gas mitigation in goaf and atmosphere [J], Journal of China Coal Society, 2009, 34(6): 771~777.(in Chinese)

[13]Yang Tianhong,Chen Shikuo,Liu Honglei,Zhu Wancheng, He Zhonggang, Jiang Wenzhong. Coupled model of gas-solid in coal seams based on dynamic process of pressure relief and gas drainage, Rock and Soil Mechanics, 2010. 31(7):2247-2252.(in Chinese)

[14]Yang Tianhong, Yu Qinglei,Chen Shikuo,Liu Honglei, Yu Tianliang,Yang Liming. Rock Mass Structure Digital Recognition and Hydro-mechanical Parameters Characterization of Sandstone in Fangezhuang Coal Mine [J], Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 2009, 28(12):2482~2489.(in Chinese)