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Head of the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering

Professor for Environmental Engineering

Research Interests:

Environmental Systems Engineering, Environmental Management, Waste Management and Treatment


SWJTU XIPU Campus Building 4 Room 4442 Phone 02866367628



Environmental Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China 2009

Ph.D. Sustainable Design and Technology, University of Hull, UK 2013


Associate Professor for Environmental Science and Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China 2013 – 2016

Professor and Head of the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering at the Southwest Jiaotong Univeristy since 2017

Research Interests

Zhao’s current research in the field of sustainable engineering in the field of sustainable engineering has focused on mathematical modelling and computational approaches, which is capable of providing mitigation strategies to limit environmental burden, as well as promote sustainable development. A significant proportion of my research is interdisciplinary study, whilst using theory of system theory to identify and analyze environmental issues in order for better decision making in the area of low carbon production and consumption, green supply chain management.