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XIONG Yongliang

XIONG Yongliang

Professor for Geoscience

Research Interests:

GNSS positioning theory and applications, GNSS meteorology , Navigation and Location Based Service, Precise Engineering Surveying


SWJTU XIPU Campus Building 4 Room 4521

Phone 13550301322

email: ylxiong@sina.com

Personal Homepage:http://userweb.swjtu.edu.cn/Userweb/cdxyl/english.htm


Ph.D.,Southwest Jiaotong University, China, 2000

MESc, Wuhan University, China, 1988

B.Sc., Wuhan University, China, 1985


Professor atFaculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering,Southwest Jiaotong University, 2004-now

Visiting Scholar at Dept. of Civil and Environmental Eng. and Geodetic Science, The Ohio State University (OSU) ,2001- 2002

Research associate at Dept. of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics(LSGI),The Hongkong Polytechnic University,2003- 2004

Associate Professor at Dept. Of Surveying Engineering, SWJTU,1997-2001

Lecturer at Dept. Of Surveying Engineering ,SWJTU,1992-1997

Asistant at Dept. Of Surveying Engineering ,SWJTU, 1988-1992

Research Interests

The research areas in which he has been involved include GNSS positioning theory,water vapor sounding based on GNSS, the applications of GNSS to engineering surveying, deformation monitoring and data processing, adjustment computation, optimal design of control network. His current research is focused on water vapor inversion by GNSS and Multi-antennas GNSS positioning with train track information, which are sponsored by NSF (national science Foundation of China). He has published numerous papers in these areas and have received several awards for his contributions.