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HE Yulong

HE Yulong

Professor for Environmental Engineering

Research Interests:Prediction, assessment and control of environmental vibration and noise from rail transit, Geological environmental effects of railway engineering and control


SWJTU XIPU Campus Building 4 Room 4146



Personal Homepage: http://userweb.swjtu.edu.cn/Userweb/swjtuhyl/index.htm


B.S. in Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, Southwest Jiaotong University, P.R.China 1997

M.S. in Geological Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, P.R.China 2000

Ph.D. in Geotechnical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, P.R.China 2003


Postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, P.R.China 2003-2005

Associate Professor at the Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, P.R.China 2005-2011

Professor at the Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, P.R.China since 2011

Academic Visitor in the Centre for Engineering Dynamics, School of Engineering, University of Liverpool, U.K., 2016-2017

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Research Interests

My research has mainly focused on train-induced wave propagation in soils and its control. My group has developed aprocedurefor prediction, assessment and control of environmental vibration and noise from rail transit. Recently I have focused on the control measures of noise from rail transit and traffic engineering.


Han Yihui, He Yulong*, Li Huailong. Analysis of the Vibration Reduction Performance of Steel Spring Floating Slab Track Bed of Chengdu Metro, Noise and Vibration Control, 2019, 39(1):136-139(in Chinese)

Li Huailong, He Yulong*, Zhang Guangming. Environmental vibration characteristics of CRTSⅢslab ballastless track on the embankment of Cheng-Guan fast railway Journal of Safety and Environment, 2016, 16(2):250-253(in Chinese)

Zhang Guangming, He Yulong*, Mei Changgen, Yang lizhong. Forecasting method for the dividing frequency bands as to the environmental vibrations in the railway bridge section, Journal of Safety and Environment, 2015, 15(1):285-288(in Chinese)

Benlin Dai*, Yulong He*, Jiming Xu, Ning Xu, Zhen Wu, Yuanfang Deng. Applying the RLS 90 to Develop an Inland Waterway Traffic Noise Prediction Model inChinathat Considers Water Surface Influence[J]. Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 2015, 34(1):73-86

Ben-lin Dai, Yu-long He, Fei-hu Mu, Ning Xu, Zhen Wu. Development of a traffic noise prediction model on inland waterway of China using the FHWA[J]. Science of the Total Environment,2014, 482-483: 480-485